Create your Brand Guidelines in 5 steps using Canva!

Constantly doubting your brand visuals? Follow my 5 steps to put together your Brand Guidelines, and walk away with a clear set of elements that you feel confident to stick to. Use it to keep your brand consistent so that people can recognise it, and save time creating your designs in Canva!

Get access now!

You can work with the Brand Guidelines template using a Canva free account. By signing up you agree to join my newsletter. You can opt out at anytime.

Here’s what you’ll get inside this FREE guide:

The 5-Step Guide

Start by accessing the valuable PDF guide with all the details for each step, and my favourite resources to getting your brand guidelines done.

Video Lesson

Watch a short 20-min video of me completing the Canva template for an example brand so you know exactly how to use it.

Brand Guidelines template

Once you understand the steps, keep the PDF guide handy and jump in Canva to start building your own brand guidelines from the template!

Take control over your brand visuals!

Follow clear actions in every step

Understand the actions to put together your brand guidelines without feeling overwhelmed along the way.

Build a consistent brand that is easy to recognise

Get a breakdown of the most important design components to build a consistent brand identity.

Create brand graphics with purpose

Know how to turn the vision you have in your head into a brand image that truly represents your business.

No more wasting hours in Canva!

With set guidelines to follow, say goodbye to the urge of "testing" colours, fonts and graphics, and stop wasting hours in Canva!
Get access now!

Have you been spending far too many hours in Canva without getting anywhere and ending up with designs that look… amateur? 🤯

I see too many business owners damaging their brand by DIY-ing graphics that are absolutely not up to the quality of the product/service they offer. This makes you look amateur, and can repel your ideal client.

As a Community Canvassador, I help you create better visuals for your business using Canva. Check my daily Canva and branding insights on Instagram, so that you can get the most out of this freebie.

If you’re looking for guidance with your branding, graphic design and content creation, check out my Canva for IG course:

Learn more about my Canva for IG course

Hey, I’m Camila!

Brand & Web Designer, Community Canvassador

I help business owners create visuals that communicate their true value. Enough of creating designs that are not up to your business standards. It’s time to take full control over your brand visuals and create things that your audience will love to engage with!

© 2025 Plenty | Brand & Web Design | Byron Bay, Australia

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